Tegwen Thomas lives in a country called Wales - a good place to live, especially if you like stories, or singing, or jumping in puddles or maybe, eating Welshcakes - whatever those are. Teggy knows because she’s Welsh, and she’ll tell you all about them.
“Little Teggy-Tales from Wales” is a collection of stories drawn from the author’s childhood in a Welsh coal-mining village at a time long before computers and cell phones. But while Teggy’s experiences are Welsh and pre-tech, they are universal. Who didn’t have a best, best friend and got a scolding from their mother when they came home late from playing too long?
“Teggy Thomas! Look at you. Ychafi! Your knees are dirty, your fingers are blue, there’s ferns in your hair and your hanky is ruined. You’re a little tomboy! I don’t think you’ll ever be a lady”, says her mother when Tegwen gets home from picking wimberries on the mountain. Teggy disagrees and therein lies a story.
Teggy’s world is framed by hillsides of green fern and cradled in a community of colorful characters. There’s the vicar with his glass eye, Mrs Watkins who shouts awful, Vic the voice who lives at the top of her street and all her neigbors she calls “auntie and uncle,” even though they’re not related.
Rainer reads her stories in the brogue of the Welsh Valleys where they speak a language that combines both Welsh and English - a dialect coined “Wenglish”.
“No voice resonates more sweetly for me than this way of talking. Nothing else sounds as authentic,” says Rainer.
Order the hardcopy book on Amazon! (Also available in Kindle format)
